Dental Veneers

Before dental Veneers

After dental Veneers
veneers - dental veneers or porcelain laminates
are Porcelain Veneers ?
Porcelain veneers are wafer thin shells of porcelain, specially shaped
which are 'bonded' (cemented) onto the front side of teeth. Usually
on the front teeth which are exposed during a smile or eating.
When are
porcelain veneers used ?
Mostly, dental veneers are used to cover up crooked, stained, misaligned,
chipped or otherwise slightly disfigured front teeth.
This can be purely for cosmetic purposes but also to straighten an irregular
bite line and servers as a smaller measure than filing away the teeth
for new crowns.
Quite often, veneers are inserted to close up gaps between teeth closing
(diastemas = space between teeth) and can also be used instead of braces
for teeth that are only slightly misaligned .
In a nutshell, veneers can improve the look of your teeth.
are porcelain veneers fitted ?
the dentist would file your crooked teeth, or / and clean them properly.
This would be done with chemicals to achieve a clean surface for a
durable bond.
Then a cast is taken. Then the veneers are made by the lab
Lastly the porcelain veneers are cemented onto the original teeth.
This is done with dental glue placed both on the tooth and onto the
veneer and after the veneer has been fitted and stuck onto the tooth,
the glue or cement is hardened by using a special light beam.
What are
the advantages of porcelain veneers ?
A major component of teeth is enamel, it is not solid enamel.
The enamel component of a tooth is actually only an outer shell.
Cosmetic dental bonding materials utilized in the past were susceptible
to staining and discolouring.
This was especially a problem for those people whose teeth had excessive
exposure to tea, coffee, red wine, or cigarette smoking.
A significant advantage of porcelain veneers over other types of cosmetic
dental bonding is related to the fact that a porcelain veneer's surface
is just that, porcelain.
Since porcelain is a ceramic, and therefore glass-like, its surface
is extremely smooth and impervious.
This means that the surface of a porcelain veneer will not pick up
permanent stains. So Porcelain veneers resist staining.
Also veneers are
translucent and do not immediately reflect light which gets reflected
by the underneath tooth enamel, and this gives the veneered teeth a
very real original toothy look.
Last but not least,
with veneers the dentists needs to file away much less of the original
tooth than with crowns... so veneers offer a life-like, almost real
tooth covering on top of your original stained or crooked teeth.
What are
the disadvantages of porcelain veneers ?
Veneers can crack or split and are nowhere near as reliable as porcelain
crowns but cost almost as much
How long
can a veneer last ?
Porcelain Veneers - if fitted onto almost perfectly shaped teeth with
no gaps can last from ten years to fifteen years and more.
If place onto very crooked teeth they can split or crack anytime.
much can porcelain veneers cost in the Czech Republic ?
Between Euro 172 to Euro 190 per veneer (for one tooth)
Elsewhere in Europe the cost can vary between Euro 1000 to Euro 2500
for one single veneer.