dentist practitioners, dental implantology specialists
and stomatologists in the Czech Republic offering quality but cheap dental treatment
Cheap Dental Treatment
Dental implant costs in the Czech Republic between Euro 862 to Euro 931.
In the UK for example, one dental implant can cost from 2000 pounds sterling upwards.
Inside this Czech Dentists Directory you will find a complete price list and Czech Dental costs for dental treatments ranging from dental implants, bone grafts to porcelain crowns and simple teeth fillings. You will also find direct contact information to Prague Stomatologists, Czech and Prague Dentists, implantology specialists, and Czech Dental costs - and also dental surgeries throughout the Czech Republic.
[this is what a titanium dental implant bolt looks like ]
Dental Implantology Specialists and information
on dental implants in the Czech Republic
How to find quality but affordable dental treatment
in Prague and the rest of the Czech Republic
Information on Czech Dentists
Czech dentists, stomatologists and orthodontists, Prague specialists for oral surgery and any other type of dental treatment services in the Czech Republic adhere to worldwide dentistry standards and are just as good as most European dentists with one main difference:
Czech Dentists, albeit skilled dentists, have rates of dental services and dental treatment costs which can be from half as cheap to 70% cheaper than elsewhere in Europe or in the USA.
Apart from the cost saving on dental treatment in the Czech Republic, another advantage of getting your teeth repaired by a Czech dentist is that there are no waiting lists for dental treatment.
Usually you can book a dental appointment with a Czech dental surgery a few days prior to the actual appointment as opposed to waiting for months as in the UK, Ireland, Switzerland and elsewhere with other european dentists
[this is what a titanium dental implant looks like once it has been inserted into the jawbone - this x-ray shows both the implant bolt and the topping crown ]
Why is Czech dental
treatment so cheap ?A Czech teacher in an average Czech town can earn around 12.000 czech crowns per month [ Euro 400 ] so how can she be expected to pay Euro 400 for a porcelain crown ?
He can't and most things being relative, even within the dentistry of the Czech Republic and the average Czech wage it must be obvious that the costs for dental treatment a Czech teacher would pay must be relative and on an acceptable scale to his earnings.
Hence a porcelain crown done by Czech or even Prague dentists will cost considerably less than elsewhere like in the UK, Italy, Germany or Switzerland not to mention the USA.
Hence, also the monthly salary of an average but good dentist in Brno for example would be within the range of Euro 800 to Euro 1,400 per month.
Other european dentists probably make this much per patient in one dental session.
Why do Czech dentists offer affordable but expert dental treatments and dental care ?
As with most specialized medical treatments in the Czech Republic, Czech dentists offer affordable and cheap quality dental treatment but are very skilled dentists indeed. The same applies for Czech and czech wide periodontal or pediatric dentistry.
Oral healthcare in Czech Republic is coordinated by the Czech Dental Chamber (Ceska stomatologicka komora – CSK) and along with the CSK, and other dentistry norms, Czech dentists must adhere to top if not above European standards not only by updating regularly their dental know-how with periodic seminars, but also with practical experience in new dentistry techniques.
This is also transported into the implementation of the newest dental technology and the most modern dentistry equipment
Czech dentists and how they qualify
to be able to offer dental treatment:Upon qualification, there is a programme of vocational postgraduate training for 24 months, under the guidance of skilled dentists (with a certificate of the Dental Chamber). The training is completed by examination – only then is the dentist able to lead his own dental practice (as a fully licensed dentist).
During the training the dentist is a salaried employee. This post-qualification training has a practical part (participant has to fulfil a list of prophylactic, diagnostic and treatment items) and a theoretical part of training (compulsory attendance on recommended courses and lectures).
The bottom line on dentists and dental treatment in the Czech Republic:
Czech dentists are no longer thought of only as:
'an east european dental treatment solution which costs less but who knows how good the treatment is'.
Today the dental treatment offered in the Czech Republic is renown for it's quality and Czech dentists rate amongst the most qualified dentists worldwide.
Many people imagine dental services in the 'old' eastern Europe
to be like this antique dentist's chair.
Folks, we've got some dental innovation news for you.
Some statistics about dentists in Prague and the rest of the Czech Republic.
The Czech Republic has dental surgeries, dental clinics, implantology specialists and dental laboratories situated throughout the country and you can find a good, cheap but very qualified dentist in most towns, cities and even smaller villages.
Dentists in the Czech Republic complete all the dental studies necessary, quite often accumulating experience abroad or/and at stomatological hospital departments before opening up their own dental practice.Private dentist specialising in the leading dental methods of ceramic and methalo-ceramic works, implantology and complex dental and jaw surgery, specialized medical surgery, tissue regeneration and stomatochirurgical reconstructions or new technologies such as Ozone dental treatment abound.
In 2002 there were 7,645 registered dentists in the Czech Republic, of whom 67% were female.
It was estimated that 6,735 were actively working (69% female).
The population per active dentist (including orthodontics and oral-maxillo-facial surgery) was 1,514.A 3 tooth bridge in the Czech Republic can cost around Euro 500
[ this is an example of a 3 tooth bridge before it is placed upon the two main bridge-holding teeth ]
[ same bridge as above but now it has been cemented into place to make a perfect fitting bridge ]
Tschechische Zahnärzte und Zahn Kliniken
Tschechische Zahnärzte
und Zahn KlinikenIn den letzten Jahren machten zusehends tschechische Zahnärzte und Kliniken auf sich aufmerksam. Sie sind nicht nur günstiger als die deutsche Konkurrenz, sondern bieten mittlerweile auch beste Qualitätsarbeit, die sich mit der westeuropäischer Kliniken zweifelsohne messen kann.
Dank der hervorragenden Ausbildung der Ärzte – viele davon haben Lehrgänge und Kurse in Westeuropa und Nordamerika absolviert – sowie der modernen Technik, die in vielen Kliniken Einzug gehalten hat, können in Tschechien auf jedem Gebiet der Medizin gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Verständigungsprobleme gibt es in den seltensten Fällen, da sich ein Großteil der Kliniken auf ausländische Patienten eingestellt hat.
Dort sprechen die meisten Mitarbeiter zumindest Englisch oder Deutsch. Problemlos gestaltet sich auch die Abrechnung. Viele deutsche und österreichische Krankenkassen übernehmen zumindest einen Teil der Kosten. Auch wenn die Kassen nicht zahlen, kann eine tschechische Klinik in einigen Fällen sogar die günstigere Alternative sein.
Kein Wunder, dass sich mehr und mehr Patienten aus Österreich und Deutschland nicht scheuen, den manchmal langen Weg in die Tschechische Republik auf sich zu nehmen, um sich in einer der vielen gut und modern ausgestatteten Kliniken ärztlich versorgen zu lassen. Behandelt wird so gut wie Alles.
Zahnärztlichen Behandlung, die von der einfachen Zahnfüllung bis hin zur komplizieren Kieferbehandlung reicht. Natürlich bieten fast alle Kliniken und Praxen darüber hinaus eine Vielzahl an ästhetischen Zahnbehandlungen an. Darunter fallen zum Beispiel der Aufsatz von Kronen oder Implantaten.
Doch nicht nur Technik und Medizin sind für eine gute Behandlung entscheidend; auch der Patient mit seinen Sorgen und Ängsten sollte ernst genommen werden. Denn für den einen oder anderen kann schon ein kleines Loch zum Problem werden: Wer kennt nicht die Angst vor dem Zahnarzt mit seinem gefährlich anmutenden Bohrer?
Doch gerade diese Angst hält viele Leute ab, sich regelmäßig das Gebiss kontrollieren zu lassen. Das hat nicht nur die Folge, dass spätere Behandlungen aufwendiger und somit auch schmerzhafter werden, sondern, dass auch die Zähne Schaden nehmen können. Deshalb haben einige Praxen so genannte Angsttherapien in ihrem Programm.
Eine angenehme Atmosphäre kann zudem das Vertrauen gegenüber den Ärzten steigern. Manche Praxen sind deshalb speziell eingerichtet, einen Besuch ohne Stress und in Ruhe verlaufen zu lassen. Wir haben für Sie einige Kliniken ausgesucht, die sich auf deutsche Patienten eingestellt haben.Doch gibt es nicht nur hervorragende Kliniken, sondern auch auf dem Gebiet der Medizinforschung haben sich einige tschechische Firmen in den letzten Jahren einen guten Namen gemacht. Zweifellos führend auf dem Gebiet der Herstellung von Zahnimplantaten und Knochengewebe-Ersatz.
Tschechische Zahnärzte und Zahn Kliniken
Denti nuovi nella Repubblica Ceca
Trattamento dentistico
nella Repubblica CecaPerchè il lavoro dentistico è tanto professionale
ma costa così poco nella Repubblica Ceca ? Find Czech DentistsSpecialmente fuori Praga ?
E' professionale perchè se i comunisti erano bravi in una singola cosa - erano i servizi sanitari offerti al popolo. Questo aspetto è diventato ancora più professionale da quando i comunisti sono stati mandati via nel 1989 e nei ultimi 15 anni i servizi dentistici Cechi hanno raggiunto gli standard professionali con tutto delle nuove tecnologie disponibili altrove come negli USA e nel resto dell'Europa.
Riparazioni denti a poco prezzo ?
Veramente non è che costi poco - è solo che questi sono i costi da queste parti.Qualcuno come un insegnante di Brno che guadagna ca Euro 400 al mese non può permettersi di pagare Euro 700 per una singola capsula di porcellana ... vi pare ? ( Information on Brno stomatologists - price list for / specialized medical surgery)
Pazienti internazionali pagano tariffe locali. - titanium implant / implant inserted
Servizi Dentistici disponibili nella Repubblica Ceca:
• Capsule-corone di ceramica
• Implanatati di Titanio
• Ponti di metal-ceramica
• Corone Faccetate
• Veneers di Porcellana
• Trattamento Radice e canale (pulitura / devitalizzazione)
• Sbiancamento chimico e trattamento cosmetico
• Sbiancamento con Laser
• Otturazioni di amalgamato con anestesia locale
• Otturazioni di fotocomposito con anestesia locale
• Estrazione semplice con anestesia locale
• Estrazione complessa con anestesia locale
• Protesi (denti falsi),
• Protesi parziale (denti falsi parziali)
• Trattamento Paradontosi
• Protezione Anti - Bruxismo
• Visita generica esploratoria
• Rimozione Placca
• Raggi-X orali ed analisi
• Raggi-X panoramica ed analisi
• Implantati (Sistema Branemark)
• Chirurgia dentistica
• Graft Osseo Mascellare
• Trattamento lifting dello Sinus
• Trapianto dello nervo mandibolare
Dental treatment available
in the Czech Republic:• Ceramic Crowns
• Dental Implants (Branemark system)
• Metal ceramic crown Bridges
• Faceted Crowns
• Porcelain Veneers
• Root canal treatment
• Bleaching - cosmetic treatment,
• Laser whitening
• Amalgamate filling with local anaesthetic
• Photocomposit filling with local anaesthetic
• Simple extraction with local anaesthetic
• Complicated extractions
• Prothesis (False teeth),
• Partial Prothesis (partial false teeth you dummy)
• Paradontosis treatment
• Anti - Bruxism protection
• General exploratory visit
• Plaque cleaning and removal
• Oral X-ray and analysis
• Panoramic X-ray and analysis
• Dental Surgery
• Bone graft
• Sinus lifting
• Transplantation of the mandibular nerve .
• Braces
• Cavities and Fillings
• Cosmetic Dentists
• Orthodontists
• Periodontics - Gingivitis
Dental materials and procedures applied in the Czech Republic
Up-to-date equipped surgeries enable czech dentists to carry out complicated dental treatments that require the inserting of artificial bone structure, complicated extractions of molars, as well as imbedding of dental implants.Dental implants enable even entirely toothless patients to have permanently fixed set of artificial teeth, thus effectively acting as permanent teeth and replacing uncomfortable removable dentures.
These procedures are done whilst using local anaesthetics of highest quality and calming materials to ensure that patient feels no pain or discomfort during the surgery.
The dental ceramic laboratories are equipped with the latest technology for making ceramic crowns and bridges and offer precise, professional and fast work.
Crown dentures are made using ceramic materials of the highest quality. In metal-ceramic works only materials free of health damaging substances are used. All materials used are registered and approved according to official dentistry regulations in the Czech Republic, and are the top materials used world-wide / european dentists directory.Dental technicians are quite often educated abroad (Germany, Canada) and regularly attend professional training courses both in Czech Republic and abroad.
Emphasis is given to co-operation between patient, dentist and dental technician. Individual aesthetic final works in each case are done with the co-operation between the dentist and dental technician, both are present in the room.
Treatment of tooth decay is done using aesthetic fillings of high quality (latest materials used world-wide).
Endodontical treatment (a treatment of root canals) is done in accordance with the latest proven methods using biotolerant materials.
Directory of Czech Dentists, Czech implantologists,
Prague dental studios and dental treatment
clinics in Prague and the rest of the Czech Republic :Site Map ---- Main site index, start here
Medical Examination in the Czech Republic
Czech Dentists directories and regional listings
and direct contact details of Czech Dentists:
Prague Dentists Central CZ Dentists Brno Dentists
Ceske Budejovice Dentists Hradec Kralove Dentists
Jihlava Dentists Karlovy Vary Dentists Liberec Dentists
Olomouc Dentists Ostrava Dentists Pardubice Dentists
Plzen Dentists Usti Nad Labem Dentists Zlin Dentists
Main Directory of Czech Dentists
Information on Czech dental costs and prices,
treatments explained and patient's testimonials:Czech dental costs - overview Dental treatment types
Czech dental treatment price list About Czech Dentists
Information on Prague Dentists Czech Dentists outside of Prague
Dental Patients Testimonials Information on Dental Porcelain Veneers
Dental Crowns explained What are Dental Implants
Information about Periodontal gum disease
Site Map
Don't speak Czech and need assistance
in your dental treatment organization ? :Dental treatment organization service for the Czech Republic